The Inkspot Monologues
Written and illustrated by Keith Pointing.
The Rorschach Inkblot Test is a tool used by therapists to uncover personality characteristics and emotion functioning. In The Inkspot Monologues, Alice and Jack exorcise the quirks, foibles and trauma of former lovers as they describe the inkspots presented to them by their therapist. Past intrigues are verbally and visually parodied, and in so doing Jack and Alice reveal their true feelings, leading the reader and the therapist along a revelatory road to one irrefutable conclusion...
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"A brilliant idea beautifully executed - a hilarious trip into the darkest corners of Relationshipville." -Mark Mason, author of What Men Think About Sex
"Made me laugh out loud." -Joe Gordon www.forbiddenplanet.com
"Drowning in the bitterness and disillusionment of relationships? Then dive in!" -Charlotte Ward, author of Why Am I Always the One Before 'The One'?
Some Poems and a Bit of Prose
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Winner of the Radio 4 Food Programme Cookbook of the Year.
The Borough Market books have their own site at: https://www.boroughcookbook.com/
Goodnight Keith Moon
Written by Bruce Worden and Clare Cross.
What if Goodnight Moon was about saying goodbye to another Moon? Say goodnight to Keith, his drumsticks, his pile of sick, and more. A hilarious parody of the Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd children's classic Goodnight Moon, this book will appeal to fans of rock music and every parent who has read it to their children. Classic rock aficionados won't get fooled, they'll spot a busload of Who references, from the pinball game in the corner to the ghost of Cass Elliott.
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"Morbidly funny...this book has something for readers of all ages. For the grandparent, a nostalgic game of 'find the Who reference'; for the parent, a sad reminder of how cool things used to be; and for the kid, tucked into bed listening to the most inappropriate bed time story ever, a lesson: old people are weird [and] alcohol kills."
-The New Yorker
"Everyone's favorite children's book about a notorious drummer who died of a drug overdose. Wait, that's not what it was about? Well, authors Bruce Worden and Clare Cross have updated the classic story to revolve around the death of The Who's Keith Moon with hilarious results. Brimming with rock references." -The Huffington Post