What ho! Jeeves & Wooster fans, delight.
TSB, an imprint of Can of Worms Enterprises, has acquired world English language rights to a three-volume set on P.G. Wodehouse’s life and works written by Paul Kent. Pelham Grenville Wodehouse, Volume 1: “This is jolly old Fame” is set to publish in September 2019, in time for the dedication of a memorial stone honouring Wodehouse in Poets’ Corner of Westminster Abbey.
“Whether you’re an absolute beginner or an aficionado, Paul Kent has captured the essence of what made Wodehouse tick without spoiling any of the fun; and makes a compelling case for why we owe it to our collective sanity to keep on reading him,” Wooster Sauce says.
Often considered the greatest comic writer of the 20th century, Wodehouse’s works range from the waggish to the witty. More than 40 years after his death, his books are read the world over: young Indian professionals can’t get enough of him; he’s hugely popular in Japan; his books have been translated into more than 30 languages, from Azerbaijani to Ukrainian via Hebrew, Italian, Swedish and Chinese; and there are established Wodehouse societies in the U.K., the U.S.A., Belgium, Holland and Russia. With all his 90-plus books still in print, Wodehouse is as relevant, relatable and comical as he’s always been.
“Kent’s volumes offer the reader a guided tour of Wodehouse’s imagination, for the first time ever uniting the master’s novels, stories, song lyrics, poems, plays and journalism in a single work,” says publisher Tobias Steed.
The first volume, “This is jolly old Fame”, explores the origins of Wodehouse’s comedic vision. During the extensive research period, Kent was granted unprecedented access to the Wodehouse family archive, as well as the writer’s private library.
About Paul Kent. Paul Kent’s career has been first and foremost as a radio producer. He worked at BBC Radio Four and the World Service for 17 years making documentaries and subsequently for the Drama department producing readings and plays. In 1998, Kent left the BBC to run the literary radio station Oneword. He now produces audiobooks for all the UK’s leading publishers. He has previously published works on Montaigne, Voltaire and Shakespeare and is currently writing Volumes 2 and 3 of his Wodehouse trilogy, the second of which is due to be published in spring 2020.
For further information or to arrange an interview, please contact: Tobias Steed, Publisher, TSB and Can of Worms. Tobias.Steed@canofwormsenterprises.co.uk
Tel: +44(0)7480058978
Title: Pelham Grenville Wodehouse, Volume 1: “This is jolly old Fame”
Author: Paul Kent ISBN: 978-1-9161908-3-2 Price: RRP £22.00 $25.00 (Hb)